robust techniques for accurate indoor localization in hazardous environments在危险环境中可靠精确的室内定位技术.pdf
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robust techniques for accurate indoor localization in hazardous environments在危险环境中可靠精确的室内定位技术
Wireless Sensor Network, 2010, 2, 390-401
doi:10.4236/wsn.2010.24051 Published Online May 2010 (
Robust Techniques for Accurate Indoor Localization in
Hazardous Environments
Gunawath Mudiyanselage Roshan Indika Godaliyadda, Hari Krishna Garg
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore City, Singapore
E-mail : {g0600075, eleghk}
Received February 24, 2010; revised March 18, 2010; accepted March 22, 2010
The challenging conditions prevalent in indoor environments have rendered many traditional positioning
methods inept to yield satisfactory results. Our work tackles the challenging problem of accurate indoor po-
sitioning in hazardous multipath environments through three versatile super resolution techniques: time do-
main Multiple Signal Classification (TD-MUSIC), frequency domain MUSIC (FD-MUSIC) algorithms, and
frequency domain Eigen value (FD-EV) method. The advantage of using these super resolution techniques is
twofold. First for Line-of-Sight (LoS) conditions this provides the most accurate means of determining the
time delay estimate from transmitter to receiver for any wireless sensor network. The high noise immunity
and resolvability of these methods makes them ideal for cost-effective wireless sensor networks operating in
indoor channels. Second for non-LoS conditions the resultant pseudo-spectrum generated by these methods
provides the means to construct the ideal location based fingerprint. We provide an in depth analysis of limi-
tation as well as advantages inherent in all of these methods through a detailed behavioral analysis under
constrained environments. Hence, the bandwidth versatility, higher resolution capability and higher noise
immunity of the TD-MUSIC a
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