
report of the first meeting of the middle east and eastern europe rabies expert bureau, istanbul, turkey (june 8-9, 2010)第一次会议的报告中东和东欧狂犬病专家,土耳其伊斯坦布尔(2010年6月8日至9日,).pdf

report of the first meeting of the middle east and eastern europe rabies expert bureau, istanbul, turkey (june 8-9, 2010)第一次会议的报告中东和东欧狂犬病专家,土耳其伊斯坦布尔(2010年6月8日至9日,).pdf

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report of the first meeting of the middle east and eastern europe rabies expert bureau, istanbul, turkey (june 8-9, 2010)第一次会议的报告中东和东欧狂犬病专家,土耳其伊斯坦布尔(2010年6月8日至9日,)

SAGE-Hindawi Access to Research Advances in Preventive Medicine Volume 2011, Article ID 812515, 4 pages doi:10.4061/2011/812515 Review Article Report of the First Meeting of the Middle East and Eastern Europe Rabies Expert Bureau, Istanbul, Turkey (June 8-9, 2010) Orhan Aylan,1 Aly Fahmy Mohamed El-Sayed,2 Firouzeh Farahtaj,3 Ali R. Janani,3 Olga Lugach,4 Olgha Tarkhan-Mouravi,5 Gaye Usluer,6 7 8 ¨ 9 10 Rodovan Vodopija, Nenad Vranjes, Noel Tordo, and Betty Dodet 1 Rabies Diagnosis and Rabies Vaccine Production Laboratory, Etlik Central Veterinary Control and Research Institute, Ahmet S¸efik Kolaylı Cad. No. 23, Etlik, Kec¸i¨oren, 06020 Ankara, Turkey 2 Applied Research Sector, Egyptian Company for Biological Products, Drugs and Vaccines (Egy-Vac/VACSERA), 51 Wezaret El Zeraa Street, Agouza, Cairo 22311, Egypt 3 WHO-Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Rabies, Pasteur Institute of Iran, 69 Pasteur Avenue, Tehran 1316943551, Iran 4 Epidemiology Department of the Sanitary and Epidemiology Surveillance Agency, Ministry Health of Ukraine, 01000 Kiev, Ukraine 5 Vaccine Preventable Diseases Surveillance Division, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC), 9 M. Asatiani street, 0177 Tbilisi, Georgia 6 Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Department, Medical Faculty, Es¸kisehir Osmangazi University, Es¸kisehir, Turkey 7 ˇ Dr. Andrija Stampar Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia 8 Epidemiology Department, Pasteur Institute-Novi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 9 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France 10Dode



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