schottky barrier parameters of pdti contacts on n-type inp revealed from i-v-t and c-v-t measurements肖特基势垒参数pdti联系人从i-v-t n型输入显示和c-v-t测量.pdf
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schottky barrier parameters of pdti contacts on n-type inp revealed from i-v-t and c-v-t measurements肖特基势垒参数pdti联系人从i-v-t n型输入显示和c-v-t测量
Journal of Modern Physics, 2011, 2, 113-123
doi:10.4236/jmp.2011.23018 Published Online March 2011 (
Schottky Barrier Parameters of Pd/Ti Contacts on N-Type
InP Revealed from I-V-T And C-V-T Measurements
1 2 1 1*
D. Subba Reddy , Matli Bhaskar Reddy , N. Nanda Kumar Reddy , Varra Rajagopal Reddy
Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India
2 Government Degree College, Puttur, India
E-mail : reddy_vrg@
Received January 5, 2011; revised February 26, 2011; accepted February 27, 2011
We report on the current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the Pd/Ti/n-InP
Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) in the temperature range 160-400 K in steps of 40 K. The barrier heights and
ideality factors of Schottky contact are found in the range 0.35 eV (I-V), 0.73 eV (C-V) at 160 K and 0.63
eV (I-V), 0.61 eV (C-V) at 400 K, respectively. It is observed that the zero-bias barrier height decreases
and ideality factor n increase with a decrease in temperature, this behaviour is attributed to barrier inho-
mogeneities by assuming Gaussian distribution at the interface. The calculated value of series resistance (Rs)
from the forward I-V characteristics is decreased with an increase in temperature. The homogeneous barrier
height value of approximately 0.71 eV for the Pd/Ti Schottky diode has been obtained from the linear rela-
tionship between the temperatur
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