Model - National Weather Service - NOAA:国家气象服务局模型.ppt

Model - National Weather Service - NOAA:国家气象服务局模型.ppt

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Model - National Weather Service - NOAA:国家气象服务局模型

The conclusion that the US needs to invest in NWP is underscored by the NRC Report (2012) “Weather Services for the Nation – Becoming Second to None”. This is precisely what we are doing: “improvements driven by user needs and scientific advances”; and “give priority to upgrading its data assimilation system and increasing the resolution of its deterministic and ensemble modeling systems” Recommendation I.b: Numerical Weather Prediction The National Weather Service (NWS) global and regional numerical weather prediction systems should be of the highest quality and accuracy, with improvements driven by user needs and scientific advances. To achieve this goal, the NWS should give priority to upgrading its data assimilation system and increasing the resolution of its deterministic and ensemble modeling systems. The product development process can be improved by developing a systematic approach to research-to-operations through collaboration with users and partners in the entire weather, water, and climate enterprise, both in the United States and around the world. Sources: NRC Report (“second to None”): /catalog.php?record_id=13429 * * Much of the improvement in tropical cyclone forecasting is attributed to advances in regional and global NWP modeling systems. These advances are mainly the result of: improvements in observations; data assimilation techniques; improved model physics in global forecast systems and high resolution regional models; the development of ensemble-based model guidance; and significant investments in supercomputing at operational NWP centers. The HFIP Portfolio has 3 major components that describe WHAT needs to be done to achieve our goals. Model improvements Focuses on the strategies to optimize new and existing observing system and platforms for BOTH modeling and direct use by the forecasters More tools and applications beyond traditional models and direct obs into the forecasters suite of tools * You NEED the high resolution model


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