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技工院校学生心理健康状况调查分析 肖艳林 张良超 ( 512026 广东韶关 韶关市技师学院基础理论部; 523808 广东东莞 东莞职业技术学院机电系) [摘? 要关键词心理健康The Students Mental Health Investigation and analysis of Technician College Xiao Yanlin Zhang Liangchao (Shaoguan Technician College, Shaoguan Guangdong 512026, Dongguan Polytechnic, Dongguan 523808) [Abstract]Objective:Learn the students’ psychological status in the technician college. Method: Conduct a survey on the 512 students with psychological health symptom self-evaluation chart(SCL—90)in Shaoguan technician college. Result: The psychological status of the students in technician college is far from satisfaction, but better than the norm of students in high school. There exist differences in the three factors of depression, anxiety and psychoticism between boys and girls. The common psychological problems of the students in the technician college are those like having sensitive interpersonal relationship, obsession, depression, paranoia, phobia and so on.Conclusion: Different degrees of psychological problems do exist in the students in technician college.Only by conducting psychological education accordingly can the students’ psychological status be improved. [Key words]technician college students;the mental health; investigation and analysis;psychological health symptom self-evaluation chart [中图法分类号] 技工院校学生作为一个特殊的社会群体,处于身心迅速发展变化的阶段,与其他年龄阶段的人相比,更易出现心理问题,及早发现技工院校学生的心理健康状况,将有助于帮助技工院校学生解决心理问题,促进其健康发展。本研究采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)分别对校学生进行心理状况问卷调查,以了解学生心理健康状况,为加强心理健康教育提供参考依据。分层抽样方法男人,女人18.35±1.06岁。 (二)研究方法躯体化、强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执和精神病性等9个因子、、、、采用5级计分法因子分≥2分提示存在轻度心理健康问题,因子分≥3分提示存在中度以上心理健康问题统计分析采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行统计分析。技工院校学生与国内青年常模(X±S) 因子 国内青年常模 本研究组 p值 (N=781) (N=500) 躯体化 1.34±0.45 1.56±0.67 0.0810 强迫 1.69±0.61 1.69±0.85 0.0030** 人际关系敏感 1.76±0.67 1.86±0.80 0.0460* 抑郁1.57±0.61 1.58±0.70 0.0025** 焦虑1.42±0.43 1.59±0.71 0.0070** 敌对 1.50±0.57 1.64


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