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目录中文摘要2英文摘要31绪论41.1汽车正面碰撞防护技术研究的背景和意义41.2 我国汽车碰撞安全法规的发展61.3 国内外汽车正面碰撞法规的对比71.4国内外汽车正面碰撞防护技术的现状81.5国内外汽车正面碰撞防护技术的发展趋势101.6本文研究的主要内容及其意义132 汽车保险杠的作用和结构类型以及保险杠的建模142.1汽车保险杠的作用142.2汽车保险杠的结构类型142.3汽车保险杠的改进方案以及改进的目的152.4汽车保险杠的建模163 基于ANSYS的有限元分析203.1用ANSYS导入Pro-E绘制的汽车保险杠的三维实体模型204汽车正面碰撞防护技术的研究和防护装置设计的总结和展望254.1 汽车正面碰撞防护技术的研究和防护装置设计的总结254.2 汽车正面碰撞防护技术研究和防护装置设计的展望25参考文献:27致谢29摘要随着轿车的大规模生产和使用汽车保有量迅速增加,我国交通事故的发生率正在呈持续上升的趋势。也由于车速的不断提高,汽车交通事故的发生率已经大大的增加了。在汽车交通安全事故中, 出现几率最高的是汽车碰撞 , 其中正面碰撞最普遍。据资料显示,汽车发生正面碰撞的概率在40%左右。因此, 研究正面碰撞特性 , 对降低乘员的伤害非常重要。因此对于汽车正面碰撞防护技术的研究和装置的设计或者改进是非常有必要的。而汽车结构中的保险杠是正面碰撞时主要的承载和吸能构件,提高保险杠的吸收能量的能力可以降低整车碰撞中的加速度,对乘员起保护作用。本文主要研究的是对汽车保险杠的改进,通过实体建模,并用ANSYS软件进行有限元分析,从而来验证改进装置的可行性以达到结构优化的目的。本文最主要的研究方向是基于ANSYS的有限元分析,对改进后的保险杆进行应力分析。关键词:汽车正面碰撞;汽车正面碰撞防护技术;汽车保险杠;有限元分析;应力分析ABSTRACTWith the mass production of cars and the use of the rapid increase of car ownership ,road traffic accidents in our country has a rising trend. Also due to the continuous improvement of the speed, the incidence of car accidents is greatly increased. In automobile traffic safety accident, most likely to appear is car collision, among them the most common frontal crash. According to the data shows the probability of frontal crash cars in at about 40 %. Therefore, studying the characteristics of frontal impact, is very important to reduce the harm that crew suffer. So for vehicle frontal crash protection technology research and the design of the device or improvement are necessary. The car bumper is positive in the main structure to load and energy absorption components, improve the energy absorption ability of bumper can reduce the acceleration of the vehicle collision, the occupant protection.This paper mainly studies the improvement of the bumper, through the entity modeling, using ANSYS finite element analysis software, to verify the feasibility of the improved device which help to achieve the goal of structural optimization. In this paper, the main research direction is based o


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