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第 38 卷 第 19 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.38 No.19
2010 年 10 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Oct. 1, 2010
500 kV郑州变电站SVC系统的技术升级与改造
1 1 2 3
常 黎 ,杨 光 ,陈 亮 , 牛占平
(1.郑州供电公司,河南 郑州 450006; 2. 信阳供电公司, 河南 信阳 464000; 3.济源供电公司, 河南 济源 454600)
摘要:介绍了500 kV郑州变电站大容量静止无功补偿(SVC)系统改造前的运行工况,分析了改造原因,提供了基于二次控
稳态控制调节策略、暂态控制调节策略,结合实际运行数据论证了改造后 SVC 系统对系统电压稳定作出的贡献。500 kV 郑
The technical improvement and reconstruction of imported SVC in 500 kV Zhengzhou substation
1 1 2 3
CHANG Li , YANG Guang , CHEN Liang , NIU Zhan-ping
(1. Zhengzhou Power Supply Company ,Zhengzhou 450006 ,China;2. Xinyang Power Supply Company ,
Xinyang 464000 ,China ; 3. Jiyuan Power Supply Company ,Jiyuan 454600 ,China)
Abstract :This paper introduces the operating-conditions of the SVC system before the upgrade, analyzes the reason of upgrade, and
proposes the solutions based on the advanced electric technique and equipment such as control and protection system of secondary side,
the thyristor valve group of photoelectric triggering and testing, and the fully sealed cooling water system. It analyzes the stable and
transient control and adjustment strategies of the upgraded SVC system, proves the contribution to the voltage stability of the system
based on the operation data. The success of the upgrade of SVC system in 500 kV Zhengzhou substation accumulates the successful
rebuilding experience for similar imported SVC system.
Key words :static VAR compensation system; transient stability; voltage stability; control strategies