
dos技巧100例(DOS skills in 100 cases).doc

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dos技巧100例(DOS skills in 100 cases)

dos技巧100例(DOS skills in 100 cases) 1, short. *. * can be used. Instead, for example, delete all the files in the current directory. DEL. 2, returns the parent directory, which is the higher directory CD.. 3, the list of directory files into the text file DIRfilename 4. Check the properties of any property in the current directory Method one: DIR Method two: DIR/A 5, cancel all attributes of all files in the current directory (in fact, you can only view properties and not cancel -jm notes) ATTRIB, If this command is executed in the root directory of C, then use DIR to view, you can see the IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and other hidden files 6. Displays all subdirectories in the current directory DIR/AD 7 、 displays the contents of multiple files in succession COPY * CON *. 8, split screen display file content Method one: MOREfilename Method two: TYPE filename|more 9. Change the registration time of disk files Method: COPY FilenameNUL Methods: two COPY Filename,, 10, how to shield the output information of DOS rows? The method is to redirect the screen output to the DOS null device, NUL, for example: COPY MYPROG.EXE A:NUL 11, in the DOS state, directly display D edit WPS file content COPY filename.wps CON/B 12, append data to a text file Method: COPY FilenameCON Method two: TYPE CONfilename After the input is complete, press F6 or Ctrl + Z key to finish. 13, keyboard fingering exercises or simple screen for Chinese character input practice COPY CON NUL 14. Print the contents of the keyboard input directly Method one: COPY, CON, PRN Method two: MOREPRN Method three: SORTPRN When the input is complete, press F6 or Ctrl + Z key. 15, DOS directly edit the generated file In the absence of any editing software (such as EDLIN, EDIT, etc.), you can temporarily edit the file from the keyboard using the following six methods. When the file has been entered, press the F6 key or press Ctrl + Z to save it Method one: COPY, CON, filename Method two: TYPE CONfilename Method three: MOREfilename



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