
gac答案9章(宝石矿床学)(GAC answer 9 chapter (gemological deposit Science)).doc

gac答案9章(宝石矿床学)(GAC answer 9 chapter (gemological deposit Science)).doc

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gac答案9章(宝石矿床学)(GAC answer 9 chapter (gemological deposit Science))

gac答案9章(宝石矿床学)(GAC answer 9 chapter (gemological deposit Science)) Answer 1. metal minerals, non-metallic minerals, fuel minerals 2. equal axial ore bodies, plate shaped ore bodies and columnar orebodies 3. oxidized ores, native 4. endogenetic deposits, exogenic deposits and metamorphic deposits 5. magmatic deposits, PEGMATITE DEPOSITS, skarn deposits and hydrothermal deposits 6.A. occurs in the rock mass B. gangue minerals are silicate rock forming minerals. The ore minerals are more important, higher melting point and simpler composition The shape of C. orebody is irregular D. and magmatic deposits and volcano magmatic deposits E main magmatic deposits are related to ultrabasic magmatic chromite and platinum deposit related to mafic magmatic sulfide deposits and Cu - Ni of vanadium titanium magnetite ore, and the alkaline magmatic apatite deposit and rare element deposits. 7.A. diamond, Kimberley rock, potassium, magnesium and porphyry B. garnet magnesium garnet; found in the Kimberley rock C. blue (red) Gem - Cenozoic alkaline basalt, sapphire is also found in alkaline alkaline porphyry D. zircon occurring in alkaline basalt E. olivine is a deep mantle xenoliths derived from alkaline olivine basalts. China (Hebei, Jilin) and Norway are the worlds most famous producers F. Moonstone in potassium rhyolite G. decorated with Labradorite anorthosite mafic rock in H and decorated with volcano volcano rock in rock 8.A. all kinds of magma can produce pegmatite, but it is widely distributed and the most important is granite pegmatite B. mineral rich granite pegmatite contains more than 40 kinds of elements and more than 300 minerals C. pegmatite structure, huge grain, image structure, metasomatic structure development D. has zonal E and is clumped in vein, lenticular, etc.. Such as Xinjiang Altai, Brazil region of Minas Gerais H. pegmatite deposits are rich in rare metals such as lithium, beryllium, niobium, cesium and tantalum. They are also the main source of muscovite.



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