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windows xp系统常见的进程列表(Common process lists for Windows XP systems)
windows xp系统常见的进程列表(Common process lists for Windows XP systems)
Common process list release for Windows XP systems:
The most basic system process (that is, these processes are the basic conditions for system operation, with these processes, systems, and systems)
Will be able to function properly
Smss.exe Session Manager
Csrss.exe subsystem server process
Winlogon.exe manages user login
Services.exe includes many system services
Lsass.exe manages IP security policies and starts ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) and IP security drivers.
(system service)
Generate session keys and grant service credentials (ticket) for interactive client / server authentication. (system service)
Svchost.exe includes many system services
SPOOLSV.EXE loads files into memory so that they can be printed later. (system service)
Explorer.exe Explorer
Internat.exe tray area Pinyin Icon
Additional system processes (these processes are not necessary and you can add or subtract them as needed through the service manager
Mstask.exe allows programs to run at specified times. (system service)
Regsvc.exe allows remote registry operations. (system service)
Winmgmt.exe provides system management information (system services).
Inetinfo.exe provides FTP connectivity and management through the management unit of the Internet information service. (system service)
Tlntsvr.exe allows remote users to log on to the system and run the console program using the command line. (system service)
Allows Web and FTP services to be managed through the snap in of the Internet information service. (system service)
Tftpd.exe implements TFTP Internet standards. This standard does not require user name and password. Remote installation service
A part of. (system service)
Termsrv.exe provides a multi session environment that allows client devices to access virtual Windows 2000
Professional desktop conversations and Windows based programs running on the server. (system service)
Dns.exe answers query and update requests f
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