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18 4 V o l. 18 N o. 4 199 8 8 Bulletin of Soil and Wa ter Co n se rv a tio n Aug. , 199 8   ——以息烽县为例 谢 标  杨永岗 (··210042)   , ,。 157 , 24 S X     Relationship Between Ecological Environmental Fragility and Human Activities in Karst Mountain Areas of Guizhou Province — A ase Study at Xifeng ounty   X ie B iao Yang Yonggang (N anj ing Ins titu te of E nv ironm enta l S ciences , S ta te Environm en tal P rotection A dm inistration , N anj ing , 210042 , PR C) Abstract Based o n practical moni to ri ng resul ts of ecological env iro nmental backg round and human activ iti es in Xifeng county , Guizhou provi nce, ch a ract eristics of eco logical envi ron- m enta l ch anges and human activi ties are analy zed. The relatio nshi p betw een ecological envi- ro nm enta l f ragilit y a nd huma n activi ties i s di scus sed. ; ; Keywords karst mountains ecological environment human activities ,。,, ,,, [ 1~ 5 ] , 。 ,、 。 26°51′4 2″~ 27°19′45″, 106°27′29″~ 106°53′43″,、 ,、, ,。 4 3 2 km , 40 km , 1 036. 37 km。 , 609. 2 m,, 1 500~ 1998- 06- 15 4                   13 1 700 m ,, 1 74 9. 6 m , 1 500 m , ,、、、,、


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