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34 5 2010 9 Vol34, No5 S ep tember 2010 88 Popu lation R esearch 人口流动迁移与城镇化国际研讨会综述 ! 目前我国有超过 1亿的农业户口生活在城市, 并实现了职业地域转移, 但没有实 现身份的转 , 农民工市民化任务艰巨移民的社会融入住房及子女就学城市绿化大城市交通 拥堵以及留守老人孩子等问题, 在欧洲城市化过程中比较突出, 我国应及早预防虽然流动人口流 向仍然以东南沿海地区为主, 但向中西部地区转移的趋势有所增强基本公共服务均等化有利于 消除社会冲突, 公共财政应承担供给责任 ! 城镇化; 人口流动; 基本公共服务均等化; 公共财政 T o G uide M igration O rde rly and P romote Hea lthy U rban ization: Summary of Inte rnat iona l S ym posium on M ig rat ion and Urbanization Department ofService and Management onMigrant Population, NationalPopulation and Family Planning Commission of China Abstract: Currently there aremore than 100 millionmigrant ruralpopual tion lvi ing in urbanare as, who have achei ved professionaland regionalmetastasis, butddi not achieve the changes of i dentity status. The task on citizenization of m gi rant ruralpopulation is arduous, and China should takemeasures early to prevent probelms such as socai lintegratoi nand housing and chidl education of mi mgi rants, urban greening, city traffic congestion, and the left behind chidl ren and edl erly that occurred in the process of European urbanizatoi n. A lthough the flow of mgi rants to the southeast coastalareas stilldominates, the trend of floating to the centralandwestern regoi ns has been in creasing. Equalizatoi n of basci public services help to eliminate socialconflcit, and public finance shoudl take the responsibility of supplying public service. Key ords: Urbanziation, igrant Population, Equalizatoi n of Basci Publci Services, Public Fi nance Author: This reportwas prepared by the Department of Service and anagement on igrant Popual tion, NationalPopulatoi nand Fam iyl Pal nningCommission ofChina. Emai:l gjdl rk@ sina. com 5


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