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中文教学现代化学报 The Journal of Modernization of Chinese Language Education JMCLE 面向汉语国际教育的汉字属性库研究1 刘凤芹 青岛大学汉语言学院 266071 liufqm@ 摘 要 本文从 《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》中的3000 字入手,提出建立面向汉语国际教 育的汉字属性库,系统描写汉语国际教育用字在二语教学领域的各种属性。主要包括字形属性、等级属性、 字音属性、构形属性、字义属性、字用属性、演变特征、教学策略,为国内外二语教学者和学习者提供整 合的汉字属性以及相关资料的检索库,并为汉字教学与研究提供可以参照的依据。 关键词 汉语国际教育 汉字属性 数据库 A Study of the database of Chinese Character Properties Oriented to Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages LIU Fengqin College of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Qingdao University, 266071 Abstract: In order to provide the retrieval of character properties and related materials for teachers who teaching Chinese as the second languages and learners in the world, and make available reference to teaching and study for characters, we constructed the database of character properties. Starting from the 3000 Chinese characters in The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Wordsfor the Application of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, the database systematically described the various properties of Chinese characters in the field of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages. These properties mainly include font properties, grade properties, pronunciation properties, configuration properties, meaning properties, properties of word formation, evolution characteristics and teaching strategies. Key words: teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages,Chinese character property ,database 0 引言 关于汉字属性的研究,较早的研究成果有1988年的《汉字属性字典》,最近的研究成 果是2003年立项的《汉字属性数据库》。靳光瑾(2006 )指出,《汉字属性数据库》是一 种基础资源汉字属性数据库,以GB2312 中6763个常用字为核心,以GBK 中的20902个字为 目标,描写了每个字的字形属性、字音属性、字义属性、字际关联属性、序值属性、频率 属性等21种汉字的基本属性。王东海(2011 )针对Unicode大字符集的7万多汉字,基于语 义网络的模型,开发了汉字属性整理与展示平台—— “字网” (CharacterWeb )


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