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2014届毕业论文正文结构要求要求 摘 要:浙江省湖州市内空外延的用地状况,即“空心村”现象非常普遍,“空心化”的研究具有很强的现实意义。“空心村”的治理,有利于盘活农村存量建设用地,实行整治还田、还园、还林,促进土地流转和生产规模经营,从根本上改善、提高农民生产生活和居住环境。 本文研究通过调查了解荻港村空心化现状及水平,发现,“空心村”的形成是在土地比较收益低、旧有住宅设计不合理、村民思想观念落后,土地保护意识淡薄等共同作用下产生的。并提出了空心村整治过程中出现的问题,最后一部分对其中的问题给出了对应的对策和措施。研究站在科学发展观的角度,以新农村建设发展为目标,从管理、规划、基础设施建设、建立健全农村金融市场等相关方面提出相应的对策措施。 关键词:荻港村,空心村,新农村建设 Abstract:Huzhou city, Zhejiang Province, empty land status epitaxy, ie Hollow Village is widespread, hollowing out of the research has a strong practical significance. Hollow Village governance, help revitalize rural construction land stock of the implementation of remediation to field, but also parks, forests, land transfer and the promotion of production scale, improve radically improve the lives and living conditions of farmers. ? In this paper, through the investigation of the status and level of Digang Hollow Village, found that hollow village is produced in the form of land relatively low income, old house design is unreasonable, the villagers ideas behind poor awareness of land conservation and other joint action the. Hollow Village and proposed remediation process problems, the last part of the question which gives the corresponding countermeasures. Research angle standing scientific concept of development, the construction of a new rural development as the goal, from the management, planning, infrastructure construction, the establishment of appropriate countermeasures proposed relevant aspects of a sound rural financial markets. Key Words: Digang village, empty villages, new rural construction 1 引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究综述 1 1.3 研究目的 2 2 研究对象与研究方法 2 2.1 研究对象 2 2.1.1 荻港村概况 2 2.1.2 荻港村区位分析图 3 2.2 研究方法 3 3 研究问题现状分析 4 3.1 空心村现状 4 3.1.1城乡收入的差异,人口大量外流 4 3.1.2家庭结构小型化,人口结构非农化 5 3.2.3法律制度不健全,规划建设管理不完善 5 3.2.4居住环境质量差,公共、基础设施缺乏 6 3.2.5原有村庄格局的缺陷,外迁动力增强 6 3.2 空心村整治面临主要问题 7 4 策略研究 8 4.1制定科学系统的村庄发展规划 8 4.2提高农村公共基础设施的国家投资比例,建立一个多元的投资机制 8 4.3加强农村税费改革,减轻农民负担,增强农村自我积累能力 9 4.4努力提高农村社会保障水平 9 4.5建立健全农村金融市场,建立农村宅基地使用权流转市场 9 4.6改革


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