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中间美术馆艺术家驻留协议 ARTIST RESIDENCY AGREEMENT OF THE INSIDE-OUT ART MUSEUM 中间美术馆:北京中间美术馆Party A: INSIDE-OUT ART MUSEUM, (“Inside-Out”), whose principle office is at 艺术家: Party B: , (the “Artist”), whose passport number is: 中间美术馆和艺术家在一起合称为“合同双方”。 Inside-Out and the Artist together will be referred to as “Both Parties” hereunder. 关于艺术家驻留项目,合同双方经友好协商,本着诚实信用的原则,达成以下一致条款,以资共同遵守Regarding the Artist Residency Program, Both Parties reach this Agreement through friendly consultation and with good faith to conclude the following terms: 第一条 本次驻留项目:Article 1 Residency Program 1.1 驻留项目的性质:非营利的学术创作和交流活动。The Character of the Residency Program: non-profit art creation and academic exchange program. 1.2 艺术家参加驻留项目的途径:The ways for Artist to participate in the residency program: 艺术家可通过以下两种方式参加驻留项目: Artist can join the residency program through the following two ways: 1.2.1 中间美术馆主动邀请艺术家参加驻留项目,并得到艺术家的同意;The Artist consents to participate in the residency program after Inside-Out invites the Artist to participate; 1.2.2 艺术家主动向提出申请,遴选后同意。Inside-Out selects the preferred Artist from the Artists’ applications to participate in the residency program. 1..3 驻留:北京市海淀区杏石口路中间建筑Place of Residency: Inside-Out Art Colony, Xingshikou Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100195, China 1.4 驻留时间:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。Period of Residency: From to . 第二条 保证条款 Article 2 Representation and Warranty 2.1 中间美术馆保证其为在中华人民共和国注册的具有法人资格的非营利美术馆。 Inside-Out represents and warrants that it is a non-profit art museum and legal person registered in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”). 2.2 艺术家保证其为具有完全民事行为能力和独立创作能力并对其创作的作品享有著作权的自然人。 The Artist represents and warrants that he/she is a natural person with full capacity for civil conduct, can create works independently, and have copyrights for what he/she creates. 第条 联系人Article 3 The Contact of Inside-Out 姓名NAME 性别GENDER 办公电话OFFICE TEL 手机MOBILE 电子邮箱EMAIL ADDRESS 第条 的个人信息和紧急联系人Article 4 Pers


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