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全英论文中西方寒暄文化的差异 Comparison in Greeting Between English and Chinese 中西文化寒暄的区别 系 别:外国语学院 专业班级:商英1141班 姓 名:陈岸 学 号: 指导教师:吴玉华 完成时间: 110501424101 2013-6-22 1 Abstract Phatic communion (greeting) is the most common communication in our daily life which is really useful because it makes the communication successful. It is frequently used as a tool of communication to create good atmosphere and strengthen interpersonal relationships, so as to satisfy the communicative needs. The culture has a very important impact on the using of greeting. Referring to my study, the paper introduces the meaning of phatic communion and makes a comparison between Chinese phatic communion and English phatic communion, also analyses the reasons that cause the diversity. Through the comparative study, we can make people pay more attention to using phatic communion successfully. Key Words: Chinese and western culture, difference 摘要 寒暄是我们日常生活中最为常见的沟通方式,因其让我们能成功地交流而显得非常有用。它常作为一种交流工具来营造良好氛围和加强人际关系, 关键词:中西文化,寒暄交谈,差异 2 Chapter One: The Meaning of Greeting Phatic communion (greeting) was first proposed by Bronislaw Malinowski in the paper “The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages” in the 1920s. During his research on the ethnographic theory of language, he paid attention to the Trobriand Islanders’ magical formulae. The ways they communicated with each other were not used to tell people the new or unknown things. People only wanted to keep in touch with each other. Then he found that communication between people was not always for the purpose of providing and having the access to certain information, some of the communications were to establish and maintain social contact. So he defined such communication as phatic communion. That is so-called greeting. Greeting is an informal type of discourse that does not cover any functional topics of conversation or any transactions that need to be addressed. In spite of seeming to have little useful purpose, it is a bonding ritual and a stra


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