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第 34 卷 第 12 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 34 No. 12 2010 年 12 月 Power System Technology Dec. 2010 文章编号:1000-3673 (2010 )12-0074-06 中图分类号:TM 71 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4051 电力系统次同步谐振抑制措施综述 田旭,姜齐荣,谢小荣 (清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京市 海淀区 100084 ) Review of Measures to Mitigate Subsynchronous Resonance in Power Systems TIAN Xu, JIANG Qirong, XIE Xiaorong (Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China) ABSTRACT: Configuring series compensation with 的实际输送能力在 600 MW 左右,这与国外线路 capacitors in long distance high capacity transmission lines can 1 GW 相比还有 40 MW 的差距,这也表明我国交流 enhance power transfer capability of power systems, however it 输电线路的输电能力还有很大的提升空间。 may cause subsynchronous resonance (SSR) that jeopardize the 在输电线路中加入串补电容器可以减小线路 security of unit shafting and stability of power system. The 电抗,提高系统静态稳定极限和输送能力。随着输 authors expound the mechanism of SSR and existing mitigating 电系统的发展,串补电容得到越来越多的应用,也 measures, and the principles, functions and economy of several measures, which are commonly adopted in practice to mitigate 取得了较好的经济效益,如大同—房山线加装 35% SSR, are analyzed and compared; then the advantages and 串补后送电能力提高31.7% 。 disadvantages of these measures are point out; finally, a 但是这种远距离、高串补度的点对网输电系统 mitigating scheme that possesses better application prospect is 会引起次同步谐振问题。20 世纪 70 年代,美国 recommended. Mohave 电厂先后发生了 2 次由于固定串联补偿引 KEY WORDS :subsynchronous resonance (SSR); mitigation 起的次同步谐振,进而导致汽轮发电机组轴系损 measures; dual gap flashing; static var compensator(SVC); 坏。自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,我国也出现了一些由 supplementary excitation damping control


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