
Frontier Platform Research for System (前沿研究平台系统).pdf

Frontier Platform Research for System (前沿研究平台系统).pdf

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Frontier Platform Research for System (前沿研究平台系统)

Hitachi Review Vol. 61 (2012), No. 6 229 Frontier Platform Research for System Development and Monozukuri Naoya Sasaki, Dr. Eng. Akio Saito Masanari Koguchi SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS IN toward a system-based approach, with technology MONOZUKURI MANUFACTURING able to provide low cost, high performance, and high THE modern world faces many very difficult reliability throughout all phases of the manufacturing challenges, including global warming, resource and process. energy depletion, and rapid socioeconomic change. At The following two factors are considered to be the same time, while rapid progress is being made on important for developing a wide range of systems establishing the foundations of a prosperous society, and other products globally: (1) Integration of a there are also calls from around the world for highly diverse range of multidisciplinary technologies to reliable social infrastructure that provides safety complement the existing technologies, which include and security while being conscious of the global simulation, testing and measurement, and production. environment, including the changes needed to bring These multidisciplinary technologies include about a low-carbon society. Future manufacturing advanced information technology (IT), computational will need to undertake design, development, and engineering, data analysis techniques, systems, production based on a global overview of the overall and ser



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