湖南农业土壤(Hunan agricultural soil).doc

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湖南农业土壤(Hunan agricultural soil)

湖南农业土壤(Hunan agricultural soil) Review of Soil Science 1, what is the soil? What is the important role of soil in plant growth and terrestrial ecosystems? 2. What are the 2 types of soil minerals that can be divided according to their origin? What contribution does soil minerals have to soil fertility? 3, what is the rate of silicon aluminum iron (Saf value)? What is the relationship between the rate of silicon aluminum iron and the degree of weathering, the leaching status and the type of clay minerals? 4. Compare the structural characteristics, properties and distribution characteristics of 1:1 type clay minerals and 2:1 type clay minerals. 5. The influence of oxide clay minerals on soil structure and soil fertility is briefly described. 6. What is the mineralization and humification of soil organic matter? What are the factors that affect the transformation of organic matter? 7. Describe the role of organic matter in soil fertility and ecological environment. 8, what is the C/N ratio? What is the effect of C/N ratio on soil microbial activity, soil organic matter decomposition rate and soil nitrogen status? 9. Compare the physical, chemical and colloidal properties of Hu Min acid and fulvic acid. Hu / futy value (H/F) the size of any regularity in the soil zone distribution? 10. In the grading standards of soil particles in the world, what is the basic particle size which is usually divided into soil particles? 11, what is called soil mechanical composition? According to the mechanical composition of soil, what are the basic soil types that are usually divided into soils? 12. Compare the fertility characteristics and suitability of sandy soil and clay soil. 13. Why is sandy soil called hot soil and clay is cold soil? 14, what is the soil structure? What are the 2 stages of the formation of soil structure? 15 what are the 3 conditions for a good aggregate structure? How do they coordinate the four fertility factors of soil water, fertilizer, gas and heat? 16, what



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