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爬(climb) How to teach your baby to climb the Tag: the baby crawling techniques source: network 2010-04-07 baby crawl tips: two lift four turn six will sit seven roll eight weeks will go climb. This is the development process of baby movement, every baby will go through these stages, but now the baby will climb higher and less and less. In fact, the babys movements, behavior, development is the need for adult training. Here are some tips on how to train your baby to crawl. Method one: 1, the small mat home into a round shape. (the mat is springy and easy to unfold.) 2. Let the baby lie on the mat and press the mat under his body. 3. Mother pushes the mat and lets the baby climb forward as the mat unfolds. Method two: 1, baby crawling on the ground or bed. 2, a person in front of the baby, a person behind the baby. 3, the front of the baby pull the right hand, the back of the baby pushing the left foot. When you pull your babys left hand, push the babys right foot. Method three: Mother was lying on the bed, and the baby was lying on one side. Dad was on the other side of the mothers side. Daddy took the baby right hand. Mother pushed the babys left leg, and vice versa, helping the baby climb over his fathers side. Tips: these methods are the first to train the baby forward feeling, parents should be patient, often help baby practice. After many training, the baby can crawl forward. After each practice success, parents should encourage or reward the baby to keep the baby warm. Method four: Let the baby lying on the bed, with a blanket Douzhu chest and abdomen, dad put blankets lift, push the baby mom left, right, a step forward, for pushing the baby right hand and left foot, in turn, training babys hand and knee crawling in the training should pay attention to rest in a timely manner, and to give the baby to encourage. You can put your babys favorite toys or objects at the destination, which will help your baby to move forward and keep interest in the exercise. If the



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