痔疮病因和如何治疗痔疮(The cause of hemorrhoids and how to treat hemorrhoids).doc

痔疮病因和如何治疗痔疮(The cause of hemorrhoids and how to treat hemorrhoids).doc

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痔疮病因和如何治疗痔疮(The cause of hemorrhoids and how to treat hemorrhoids)

痔疮病因和如何治疗痔疮(The cause of hemorrhoids and how to treat hemorrhoids) The cause of hemorrhoids and how to treat hemorrhoids? Haemorrhoid cause of disease, how to treat haemorrhoid? With the increasing pressure of living, more and more people have hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids will bring negative effects to the patients with indescribable pain, which makes a lot of people are unable to accept, then what to do after hemorrhoids. The Xiamen Malong Hospitals anorectal expert introduces the cause and treatment of hemorrhoids. The cause of hemorrhoids is complicated, so it is not surprising that hemorrhoids become a disease of high incidence. Because of hemorrhoids often hematochezia, anal prolapse, inflammatory pain, bulge exudate, suffering not only mentally and physically, but also will affect the work and learning, they can also lead to secondary anemia. Therefore, we must take active measures to prevent and control. To prevent it, we must first understand its causes of disease. Eight causes of hemorrhoids formation: 1, bad stool habits: on the toilet, squatting, reading, reading newspapers, resulting in squatting and bowel movements prolonged, prone to anal cecum blood stasis and lead to disease. On the toilet when smoking can buffer the brain defecate reflex, extremely easy to cause constipation. Shit too hard, some people feel strongly blindly regardless of the stool, slamming hard earned, can only make the cecum anal and pelvic floor muscle increased the burden of unnecessary and local blood stasis, resulting in the occurrence and spread of disease. 2, chronic diseases: such as long-term malnutrition, weak physique, resulting in relaxation of the anal sphincter. Chronic suffering from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, caused by cough and abdominal pressure rising, pelvic congestion. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, diarrhea and colitis are all the causes of anorectal diseases. Therefore, in the prevention and treatment, we should pay attention to the general state of the pat



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