第二节股骨颈骨折(Second section fracture of neck of femur).doc

第二节股骨颈骨折(Second section fracture of neck of femur).doc

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第二节股骨颈骨折(Second section fracture of neck of femur)

第二节股骨颈骨折(Second section fracture of neck of femur) The anatomy of the femoral head, neck and marrow together form the joint of the pulp. It is an important connecting device and load-bearing structure of the trunk and lower limb. The angle between the long axis of the femoral neck and the longitudinal axis of the femoral shaft was 110, one, 1400, an average of 127. In children and adults, the size of the neck dry angle varies, and the neck angle of the child is larger than that of the adult. The gravity force conduction, along the line is not the center of the femoral neck, but along the line transmission, the small trochanter of the femur, femoral neck inner conduction, thus forming part of the thickness of bone cortex. If the neck angle becomes larger, the pulp becomes valgus and becomes smaller. Because the change of the dry angle of the neck changes the conduction of the force, it can lead to fracture and degeneration of articular cartilage and traumatic arthritis (FIGS. 64, 6). Observe the surface from the sagittal, long axis and the longitudinal axis of the femoral neck and shaft line is not in the same plane, femoral neck forward 12 15 angle, called anteversion (Figure 64 a 7), anteversion children than adults older. Attention should be paid to this angle when reduction of femoral neck fracture and replacement of artificial joint. The joint capsule of the medullary joint is large, wrapping the pith, the femoral head and the neck of the femur in all directions. There is no periosteum in the part of the capsule around it. There is no articular capsule around the posterior, outer, and lower part of the pulp. Have the iliofemoral ligament above the joint capsule, in the post, and within the party, there is a stable structure of ischiofemoral ligament, joint indigo. The femoral head blood supply has a variety of sources: the round ligament in the femoral head of small artery, femoral head recess blood circulation; the ascending branch of femoral artery to nourish,


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