简易实用观相知人法 一分钟揭穿他是怎样的人(Is a simple and practical method on minutes debunking what kind of person he is).doc

简易实用观相知人法 一分钟揭穿他是怎样的人(Is a simple and practical method on minutes debunking what kind of person he is).doc

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简易实用观相知人法 一分钟揭穿他是怎样的人(Is a simple and practical method on minutes debunking what kind of person he is)

简易实用观相知人法 一分钟揭穿他是怎样的人(Is a simple and practical method on minutes debunking what kind of person he is) Is a simple and practical method on minutes debunking what kind of person he is.Txt people miss is the supreme state of death, murder, even can not find the cause of death in forensic identification...... The people around, chatter without stop: 1. character Ming Shuang quickly 2. good talk 3. have good faces 4. words without cease to cease 5., have their own knowledge of the matter, anxious to speak before the other side of the personality 6. awareness of the secrets of others is particularly strong A man who speaks with his hands over his mouth: 1., a dual personality, more addicts 2. alert yourself when you pray, wish, and dont let others see through you 3. there is a tendency to be overly self abased 4. cute and helpful teeth 5. who knows the faults of others quickly One who holds the little finger straight while holding something: 1., self-awareness is strong, only know that they do not shun others, like the limelight, but also love to show off their merits If 2. women, marriage, celibacy. Someone who likes to pat on the others shoulder: 1., this is a dynamic, bright person, often habit 2., this joy is felt all over the body, and also expressed in the form of a whole body, so there is this addiction 3., especially when you feel better than each other, this addiction will appear more 4. is to express goodwill and kindness to each other People fondle skirt: 1., more habitual habits of women 2., the heart is convinced that he is more than others, but can not be realized, this discontent discontent in the heart of the burning 3., however, she never spits out her grievances and only expects the other person to speak out. Both hands rub people: 1. of the first face, hands in the lower level, is small those type of people with inertial. 2., this addiction in other peoples view is always not beautiful, inferior, inferiority, so I often suffer Bending fingers, hair pop



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