管理视野 六种毁掉头脑风暴的原因(Six reasons for managing vision and destroying brain storming).doc

管理视野 六种毁掉头脑风暴的原因(Six reasons for managing vision and destroying brain storming).doc

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管理视野 六种毁掉头脑风暴的原因(Six reasons for managing vision and destroying brain storming)

管理视野 六种毁掉头脑风暴的原因(Six reasons for managing vision and destroying brain storming) Brainstorming is one of the most common ways to stimulate creativity in a group. This method is fast, simple and effective. Many organizations, however, are repeatedly thwarted in brainstorming, so that they end up using it. So, they say, brainstorming is out of date and no longer effective. But the real reason why people are frustrated is that they dont have the proper use of brainstorming. An effective brainstorming is fun and energetic. It can produce many good ideas. But a bad brain storm is frustrating and frustrating. Here are a few simple, but enough to destroy, a brain storming situation. There is no clear goal if the intention of a brainstorming is unclear, perhaps not even would lead to lose the direction. So be sure to set clear goals. The purpose of a brainstorming is to produce a lot of creative ideas to achieve a specific goal. The best way is to set that goal into a problem. Vague goals are useless. How can we do better? No, how do we double sales in the next year? Good friends. However, the figure in question should not be too small, otherwise it will make the brainstorming is limited, reduce more possibilities. Like how can we double sales by using existing channels and current product settings? Such questions may be too restrictive. Once such a problem has been agreed on, write it down so that everyone can see it clearly. At the same time, you should also set out how much creativity you need for this goal, and how long it will take. For example, we plan to come up with 60 ideas for the next 20 minutes.. Then we will filter them to 4 or 5 best ideas. The background of the participants is too close. If everyone comes from the same department, it is easy to fall into a group thinking, thus greatly restricting creativity. Therefore, choose participants carefully. The number of participants was controlled between 6 and 12. Too few people make material for the brain storming



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