粗盐热敷治病集锦(Salt hot compress treatment.).doc

粗盐热敷治病集锦(Salt hot compress treatment.).doc

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粗盐热敷治病集锦(Salt hot compress treatment.)

粗盐热敷治病集锦(Salt hot compress treatment.) Salt hot compress treatment spermatorrhea 1 kilograms of salt into the pan fried anxious about 3 to 5 minutes, and then into the thick of the bag, put a towel in the stomach, hot compress Guan yuan (in 4. At the umbilical cross), Shimen (in the lower 3 finger) two points 20 to 30 minutes; or directly 500 grams of salt is sealed by a bag, before use in the oven to roast hot, placed in Guan yuan, Shimen point on the hot compress, 2 times a day, both the treatment of nocturnal emission power. Sichuan, Chengdu, Liu Gui Men occasionally spermatorrhea is a normal phenomenon, such as frequent nocturnal emission, and emission after back fatigue and other discomfort, is sick, need treatment. Chinese medicine believes that the frequent spermatorrhea kidney qi deficiency, heart and kidney do not pay, due to damp heat in liver and gallbladder, kidney qi deficiency is the most common. Acupoint sticking is an external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. In this law, stir fry hot compress can stimulate telangiectasia, accelerate blood circulation, and improve local metabolism. Salty fried hot salt into the kidney, can warming meridians, blood stasis, and wenyangyishen. Guanyuan acupoint health care to have power, coke, solid by tonifying kidney warming, where the deficiency can be used, moxibustion Guanyuan can be used for the treatment of nocturnal emission, impotence, drench turbidity, frequent micturition, hernia disease. I have spermatorrhea acupuncture, moxibustion five Zhuang LiXiao said. Shimen acupoint with Qi and relieve pain, Tongli channel effect, indications of diarrhea and umbilical hernia, pain, spermatorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding etc.. Fried salt hot compress the two acupoints, treatment of kidney deficiency caused a better curative effect of spermatorrhea. Kidney qi deficiency mainly: in addition to frequent spermatorrhea, with emaciation, lassitude, dizziness and tinnitus, Backache leg soft, or cold chills, uri



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