禽病诊断技巧及原粉用药指南(Poultry disease diagnosis techniques and powder medication guide).doc

禽病诊断技巧及原粉用药指南(Poultry disease diagnosis techniques and powder medication guide).doc

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禽病诊断技巧及原粉用药指南(Poultry disease diagnosis techniques and powder medication guide)

禽病诊断技巧及原粉用药指南(Poultry disease diagnosis techniques and powder medication guide) 1. Newcastle disease [diagnosis points] Layer: more than a week of respiratory symptoms, medication is not effective, or symptoms of drugs to ease, serious withdrawal. Twisted neck, tremor, eggshell color becomes shallow, yellow green stools, necropsy nipple tip bleeding, duodenal or end central lymph follicle bleeding, yolk stalk after 1cm follicular hemorrhage, two cecal between ileal hemorrhage, cecal tonsil hemorrhage. Chickens: severe respiratory symptoms, medication is not effective, the individual chicken head tremor, twisted neck, yellow green stools, group spirit is normal, as long as there Jingshenbuzhen chickens died soon. The bleeding of glandular stomach, bleeding of duodenum and bleeding of lymph follicles at 1cm after yolk pedicle were examined. [treatment plan] Layer: if the daily mortality rate of less than 1%, should first drink Newcastle disease vaccine, interval 24 hours, medication. Leigh Bhave Lin (or virus Ling) + antiviral medicine + (or ciprofloxacin enrofloxacin) mixed drinking water for 3-5 days. Leigh Bhave Lin 1g water 10kg, virus Ling 500g available for 1000 layers of 3 days of treatment. Ciprofloxacin 1g 10kg water, enrofloxacin 1g water 10kg. If the daily mortality rate is higher than 1%, we should use 3 days of medication, control symptoms, 24 hours intervals, and then use Newcastle disease vaccine, treatment program ibid. Broiler: due to the weak resistance of broilers, the treatment of Newcastle disease is prohibited, emergency vaccination treatment. Interferon should be treated at the same time. Treatment program ibid. 2, mild avian influenza [diagnosis points] The chicken group spirit is still good, the feed intake obviously drops, the body temperature obviously rises, if is the layer egg, appears the egg production quantity to drop greatly, the eggshell quality is bad, is fragile, pulls the yellow green to be sparse, sporadically appears the death. A


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