白内障的预防与治疗_眼科疾病(_ cataract prevention and treatment of eye diseases).doc

白内障的预防与治疗_眼科疾病(_ cataract prevention and treatment of eye diseases).doc

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白内障的预防与治疗_眼科疾病(_ cataract prevention and treatment of eye diseases)

白内障的预防与治疗_眼科疾病(_ cataract prevention and treatment of eye diseases) _ cataract prevention and treatment of eye diseases Inside the normal persons eye, there is a double transparent body at the back of the iris, which is the lens, which shines through the normal lens and focuses on the retina, so that you can see the object. For various reasons such as aging, genetic, nutritional disturbance, local immune and metabolic abnormalities, trauma, radiation poisoning, etc., can cause the lens metabolism, lead to protein denaturation and lens opacification, called cataract. This light is the opacity of the lens block cannot be projected onto the retina, can not see the object. WHO from the group to treat and prevent blindness perspective on lens degeneration and opacity, becomes opaque, and even affect the vision, and the corrected visual acuity of 0.7 or less, only in cataract diagnosis. What are the symptoms of cataract? For the eyes of senile cataract early onset, almost no what symptoms of eye disease is not red and swollen, neither painful nor itching, it seemed like a layer of white mist, see gray, fine to something unintelligible, spots in front of the eyes fixed, in a bright background is more obvious, the vision gradually with the loss, glasses can not be corrected. Sometimes visual objects bend, objects look twice or more eyes are seen. With the sclerosis of the lens nucleus, the refractive power of the lens becomes stronger, and therefore, lenticular myopia occurs. Some patients need to change their glasses regularly. For the core cataract or complicated cataract, when the light is strong, the pupil shrinks into the eye, less light, the light does not pass through the central opacity of the lens, blurred vision, poor vision. On the other hand, when the light is weak, the pupil is larger and the light passes through the surrounding transparent lens into the human eye, producing a clearer vision. The individual patient in cataract development process, because the l


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