网络炒作的成因与社会影响(Causes and social impacts of network hype).doc

网络炒作的成因与社会影响(Causes and social impacts of network hype).doc

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网络炒作的成因与社会影响(Causes and social impacts of network hype)

网络炒作的成因与社会影响(Causes and social impacts of network hype) The background of the phenomenon of network hype In recent years, the phenomenon of network speculation has become increasingly prominent, and there is a growing trend. In the space of Internet emerge in an endless stream network Reds most network Reds is too busy to attend to all, is through the network hype and fame. Websites, businesses or products rely on Internet hype to succeed, marketing cases are too numerous to mention, such as Wang Laoji in 2008 with the network push hands, became a well-known national brand. The growing popularity of network speculation and the rapid development of network media, impetuous social mentality. Media background. At present, network media is rising rapidly. According to the survey China Internet Network Information Center, by the end of June 2010, China has 420 million Internet users penetration rate continued to rise, reaching 31.8%. With the increase of the number of Internet users and the increase of popularity, the influence of the Internet in peoples daily life is rising. Many people spend more and more time on the internet. The Internet era has developed from Web1.0 to Web2.0, and even in the development and promotion of network technology, it is rapidly moving towards the Web3.0 era. In one to one, one to many, many to many interactive communication pattern, every Internet user is spread, there is a strong desire to express, have hitherto unknown ability to communicate, through the Internet can independently of the country, and even the global spread, this is a transverse propagation society. Members of the society are more or less transverse access to the new technology of information dissemination, and to go beyond the traditional vertical way of connecting people to the network , which leads to the new pattern of social public opinion has diversified, grassroots, emotional. Network hype is appeared in the situation of swift and violent development of network med


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