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語法與構詞 intro 如果你們上課的時候沒聽清楚,有疑問,回去可以再 review 一遍,everything 我們上課的整個情況。校外的同學如果對這個題目有興趣,隨時可以來,上網 收看。那重點是,我們在這邊辛辛苦苦的上一個學期,總要留下一點東西,所 以我們就把這門課都錄起來,留下歷史的回憶和我們辛苦的成果。第一堂上課 期時大家都很惶恐,你不要以為你很緊張,我也很緊張,在想想這是一班什麼 樣的年輕人。 這個學期我們到底要上些什麼?哪些東西才是對你們最有幫助的?什麼東西 才是你們最想學的?你有沒有問你自己這些問題啊?你為什麼做在這邊? Why are we here? Yes, I know, because this is a required course. But 人生要這麼 痛苦嗎?I’m required to sit here. 有沒有別的可能?除了Im required to be here , 有沒有別的可能?還有什麼可能?熱愛,不用到這麼遠啦!這是太過分 ,強人 所難。我還沒有學我怎麼熱愛呢?But at least I want to be here. Is that ok? Do you want to be here? I want to be here because I have such high expectation of this class. I know we have a lot interesting stuff to talk about, to learn. And these things will be helpful in your career as English major. Do you believe it or not? Thank you. You will, you will and you have to, ok? The point is very simple. Since we are required to be here; I’m required to teach this class, although I volunteered, we still want to have a good time. And how are we going to have a good time? Force ourselves to be happy? No. To see the real significance and relevance of this class to my life. OK? You are learning to your life, to your career, and I hope after you graduate from Chiao Tung University many years later, when you look back, you will at least see some usefulness of this class. And certainly I hope, you will say to yourself” Wow, this is one of, I don’t say the only, this is one of the important classes, most interesting classes, most useful classes I have taken in my undergraduate courses. I think so because syntax and morphology, or morphology and syntax, whatever you call it, is the core of English, right? What does English major means? You are English major means you are expert in English. And what is English? English is a language. You see how relevant it is? When we


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