A Topological Perspective of Thermodynamic Irreversibility :热力学不可逆性的拓扑的角度.ppt

A Topological Perspective of Thermodynamic Irreversibility :热力学不可逆性的拓扑的角度.ppt

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A Topological Perspective of Thermodynamic Irreversibility :热力学不可逆性的拓扑的角度

Coslab Conference - Bilbao, Spain - June 10, 2003 FALACO SOLITONS Cosmic Strings in a Swimming Pool Presentation in Two Parts Falaco Solitons: Topological defects in a swimming pool. Cosmology from a topological perspective Space-time as a turbulent non-equilibrium dilute gas near its critical point, of Pfaff topological dimension 4. Stars and galaxies as topological defects, of Pfaff dimension 3. Part 1. Falaco Solitons 1986 Topological Defects in a swimming pool History of Falaco Solitons 1986 visit to Rio de Janeiro and the mountain side house of my MIT roomate, Jose Haraldo H. Falcao. On the mountain side above the beach History of Falaco Solitons 1986 visit to Rio de Janeiro at the house of my MIT roomate, Jose Haraldo H. Falcao. To the swimming pool Topological Defects in a swimming pool Optical Properties of Falaco Solitons Optical Properties of Falaco Solitons Snell Refraction from a rotational vertex. CGL theory applied to Falaco Solitons Topology of Falaco Solitons String (vortex) defect related to GPL theory. Spiral arms obvious during formation phase indicate end caps are related to CGL theory. Stability and confinement of 2D topological defect end caps produced by 1D defect string. Topology of Falaco Solitons The topological defects and CGL analysis do not depend upon a Low Temperature !!! The Falaco Soliton is a long lived state far from equilibrium (Pfaff Dim=3), produced in a dissipative media by irreversible processes, (Pfaff Dim=4). Motivation from Falaco Solitons Falaco Solitons are universal topological defects that can be created easily at a macroscopic level -without low temperature. Falaco Solitons mimic microscopic quarks with a confinement problem. Falaco Solitons mimic cosmological strings on a space-time manifold. Part 2: Topological Cosmology Basic Ideas from Lev Landau 1958 A low density van der Waals gas near its critical point exhibits large fluctuations in density. The density fluctuations are


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