The Estimation of Ship Velocity from a SAR Image:船的速度从SAR图像的估计.ppt

The Estimation of Ship Velocity from a SAR Image:船的速度从SAR图像的估计.ppt

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The Estimation of Ship Velocity from a SAR Image:船的速度从SAR图像的估计

The Estimation of Ship Velocity from a SAR Image James K.E. Tunaley, Radar Applications and Space Technology Section DRDC Ottawa OBJECTIVES Ship velocity vector is important for ocean surveillance: Tracking requires ID maintenance Dense shipping environments Study the feasibility of extracting ship velocity vector (heading and speed) from SAR imagery: * Cross-range displacement * Kelvin wake Other wakes Ocean models – internal wave speed (maximum) Code software tool (Gayan Abeysundara) CROSS-RANGE DISPLACEMENT Seasat: note offset Internal wave wake? Unsteady wake? EXAMPLE OF TURBULENT WAKE Turbulent wake in Radarsat image EXAMPLE OF KELVIN WAKE Radarsat image “Canmar Pride” INTERNAL WAKE (ERS) POTENTIAL DIFFICULTIES Not always a wake: Turbulent wake usually present for large ships: up to and including SS4 Internal waves common in littoral areas when SS3 Ambient sea Variety of wake types Turbulent Steady Internal Kelvin Unsteady surface and internal wakes Some wake arms missing Natural internal waves RADON TRANSFORM Maps lines in spatial domain to points in Radon space Should be preceded by high pass filter and possibly by a Wiener post-filter (Seasat) EXAMPLE OF RADON TRANSFORM WAKE ARM EXTRACTION Locate wake using 4 regions Extract arms from larger area WAKE CLASSIFICATION Angle of wake Shape of crests; presence of transverse waves Width and brightness of lines (important for turbulent wake) OTHER TECHNIQUES: OCEAN MODELS Internal wave wake opening angle KELVIN TRANSVERSE WAVES Ship speed equals phase speed Dispersion relation PERFORMANCE Data from the Canadian Coast Guard Reporting points in Gulf of St. Lawrence WAKE-DERIVED SPEEDS (TURBULENT) TABLE 2 IMAGE DERIVED LENGTHS AND SPEEDS WAKE-DERIVED SPEED (KELVIN) Canmar Pride speed: Wavelength about 78 m Speed about 40 km/hr (11 m/s, 22 knots) SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Wake simulations Kelvin Internal Turbulent Unsteady: ship motion, reflections, propellers Breaking wave modeling Ambient sea (short crested) Break


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