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Research Methodology 调研方法说明 Method of investigation:CLT(Central Location Test) 访问方式:定点随机拦截访问 City :Shanghai 研究区域:上海 Time:Jun 2010 4-5 执行时间:2010年6月4-5日 Sample size:306 样本量:实际执行306样本 Sample Criteria: 样本条件: Do not work in the related industries (such as ad agency/research company/PR agency, media institutions, production/sales/service/agent of movie);/ 不在相关行业(广告公司/市场研究公司/公共关系公司或相关部门,媒体/出版社/新闻机构,电影制作/销售/服务或其他相关行业)工作; Local inhabitant;/ 当地常住居民(指在当地居住一年及以上的居民); Do not participate in research activities in any forms in the last six months; / 过去6个月内没有接受过任何公司任何形式的市场调查; Age from 15 to 39,and noticed phone box media around the survey region. / 15-39岁,且留意到调研区域附近有电话亭广告。 The ad reach of movie Prince of Persia scored best. 在近期放映电影中,《波斯王子》的广告到达状况最好,为52%。 Which film ad campaigns have you seen recently, I mean any form of ad? /最近,你看到过哪些电影的广告?(包括任何广告形式) -Before Showing Ad Clipping /出示广告版前 Base:all (基数:所有被访者)n=306 B1. [show brand list] Which films ad campaigns have you seen recently? I mean any form of ad。 (Multiple Answers) [出示品牌卡片]请问最近一个月内, 您看到过哪些电影的宣传广告?请注意我这里说的广告包括各种形式的广告。 (多选) Prince of Persia(波斯王子) Ye Wen 2(叶问2) Iron Man 2(钢铁侠2) Black Cat Detective(黑猫警长) Toy Story 3(玩具总动员3) How to Train Your Dragon(驯龙高手) The Love Of Three Smile(三笑之才子佳人) Echelon Conspiracy(夺命手机) Robin Hood(罗宾汉) Chongqing Sunshine(日照重庆) ANIMAN(超蛙战士) Kung Fu Dreams(功夫梦) Ocean Heaven(海洋天堂) None/Don‘t know(无/不知道) Awareness认知 Attitude态度 Behavior行为 89% respondents claimed the ad enhanced their watching intention of movie “Prince of Persia” . / 89%的目标受众表示广告增加了他们观看电影《波斯王子》的意向。 If the ad increase the watching intention of “Prince of Persia”? /此广告对观看《波斯王子》的意向是否增加? Base:the respondents who claim saw the ad of the movie “Prince of Persia ” on phone box media after showing the ad recently (基数:出示广告版后声称最近一个月在电话亭媒体上看到过电影《波斯王子》广告的被访者) n=218 B8. [show the list] Does the ad increase your watching intention of “Prince of Persia”? (Single answe


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