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The Anatomy of Selected Joint Locks Funfolks(选择关节的解剖学Funfolks锁)
The Anatomy of Selected
Joint Locks
Hien N. Nguyen
My initial foray into martial arts came when my
dad took me to an aikido dojo in the Little Saigon
district of Westminster. We arrived in time to watch
the weekend youth class warming up. I watched as the
instructor led the excitable students through trips of
rolls and falls across the mat. I had never seen any of
these techniques performed before, and watched in
fascination as other kids my age rolled nimbly and
effortlessly, forwards, backwards, or even after flying
through the air. Being the shortest and smallest
seventh grader in my class, I was a little intimidated
when my dad first suggested I take up martial arts.
After seeing kids having fun with nothing reminiscent
of the Cobra Kai school in The Karate Kid, though, I
said I might like to try it out.
As we stayed to watch the remainder of class and
warm-ups ended, the students all knelt in a line along
one length of the mat. The head instructor, Sensei
Dang Thong Phong came out, called upon the senior
black belt, and proceeded to demonstrate aikido
techniques, three different ones for varying skill levels
of the class. Each time, as the black belt reached to
grab his wrist, Sensei Phong would turn like a
bullfighter, leading his attacker around in a flurry of
The Anatomy of Selected Joint Locks
off-balanced steps before throwing or directing the
black belt to the ground with manipulations of his
hand or arm. Even with my untrained eye, it was
evident that these techniques were
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