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The following material was extracted from …(下列材料中提取的u2026)
The following material was extracted from earlier edi-
tions. Figure and Equation sequence references are from
the 21st edition of The ARRL Antenna Book
Smith Chart
The Smith Chart is a sophisticated graphic tool for specialized type of graph. Consider it as having curved, rather
solving transmission line problems. One of the simpler ap- than rectangular, coordinate lines. The coordinate system
plications is to determine the feed-point impedance of an consists simply of two families of circles—the resistance
antenna, based on an impedance measurement at the input family, and the reactance family. The resistance circles, Fig
of a random length of transmission line. By using the Smith 1, are centered on the resistance axis (the only straight line
Chart, the impedance measurement can be made with the on the chart), and are tangent to the outer circle at the right
antenna in place atop a tower or mast, and there is no need of the chart. Each circle is assigned a value of resistance,
to cut the line to an exact multiple of half wavelengths. The which is indicated at the point where the circle crosses the
Smith Chart may be used for other purposes, too, such as the resistance axis. All points along any one circle have the same
design of impedance-matching networks. These matching resistance value.
networks can take on any of several forms, such as L and pi The values assigned to these circles vary from zero at the
networks, a stub matching system, a series-section match, and left of the chart to infinity at the right, and actually represent
more. With a knowledge of the Smith Chart, the amateur can a ra
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