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The Forgotten History of AfghanistanPakistan (被遗忘的AfghanistanPakistan的历史)
The Forgotten History of
Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations
by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Tara Vassefi
Pakistan’s historical and contemporary support for jihadi
groups has caused US policy prescriptions over the past decade
to focus prominently on the need to change Pakistan’s strategic
orientation. In this article, the authors explore one aspect of
Pakistan’s strategic calculations that has received insufficient
attention in public debate: the degree to which Afghanistan’s
aggressions against Pakistan have helped to shape the latter’s
support for religious militant groups.
Lately there have been intense strains in the relationship between the United States
and Pakistan. As one commentator put it at the end of 2011, the year was “an annus
horribilis for Pakistani-US relations, beginning in January with the Raymond Davis
affair, the dispute over the elevated US drone attacks on Pakistani territory, the May
2 Special Forces attack on bin Laden’s compound at Abbottabad in central Pakistan,
the September attacks by a Pakistani-linked terrorist group against the US Embassy in
Kabul, and finally the November 26 cross-border clash in which NATO forces killed
two dozen Pakistani soldiers.” Meanwhile, US officials have become more strident
in their criticisms that Pakistan’s military intelligence agency (the Inter-Services
Intelligence agency, or ISI) supports Islamic militant groups in Afghanistan. In late
September 2011, for example, Admiral Mike Mullen, then-chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, argued that the ISI had “played a direct role” in the aforementioned
attack that Afghan insurgents launched against the American emb
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