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The Psychology of Leadership Hygeia Design(领导的心理健康女神设计)
The Psychology of Leadership
by © June Kaminski, MSN PhD(c)
The observation of the psycho ogica makeup of eaders has taken p ace within organizations and
groups of a kinds for severa decades. What was considered a psycho ogica y adapted eader at
the turn of the twentieth century is now considered rigid, patriarcha , and unnecessari y
oppressive. Different mode s of psycho ogica attributes and characteristics have evo ved just as
the practice of eadership has evo ved. Yet, despite the varying components of each mode , from
the ear y days of domination-submission configurations to a charismatic hero - attached fo ower
to the empowering servant- eader mind-set, eaders have been assessed as psycho ogica y
distinct from the rest of the human popu ation.
“Empirica approaches to eadership can be divided into three historica periods : the trait period,
from the beginning of the 20th century to Wor d War II, the behaviora period, from the onset of
Wor d War II to the 1960s, and the contingency period, from the ate 1960s to the present,”
(Pratch Jacobowitz, 1997, p. 1). Neither trait nor behaviora theories offered a so id enough
foundation for understanding the psycho ogica c imate of successfu eaders. Contingency theories
came c oser, in that they qua ified that certain eadership sty es, behaviors, and perceptions were
appropriate in different contexts. Now, c ose to the twenty-first century, cognitive theories of
eadership psycho ogy have expanded on this.
The cognitive revo ution in psycho ogy has profound y shaped modern eadership theories. These
theories emphasize the ro e of cognitive mediation in inf uencing the contingencies that regu ate
re ations between eaders and fo owers. “It is he d that what individua s conscious y experience
and the ways in which they experience it are subject to the bias of tacit be iefs and assumpt
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