The strategic role of design for the (设计的战略作用).pdf

The strategic role of design for the (设计的战略作用).pdf

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The strategic role of design for the (设计的战略作用)

The strategic role of design for the competitiveness of the Italian Industrial System Marco Bettiol∗ University of Padua Via del Santo 28, 35123 Padova, Italy Tel. + 39 049 8274241 Email: Stef ano Micelli University of Venice Fondamenta San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venice, Italy Tel. + 39 041 2348736 Email: Abstract The aim of the pape r is to analyze the role of design in re-launching the compe titiveness of Italian SMEs. The impor tance of design in p roduct innovation has grown dramatically during the last f ew y ears. Traditionally, design was considered an except ion reserved f or luxury segments and sophisticated niche markets that could appreciate a pr oduct ’s aesthetic and artistic values. Now, design is becoming the sy nthetic expr ession of a range of managerial pr ocesses, including pr oduct innovation, communication, distribution channels, and renewed customer relations, that are innovating pr oducts by adding communicative value. On the basis of the analysis of case studies and f ocus groups, the pape r aims at poi nting out compe titive models based on design f or upgrading in global value chains. Keywords: product innovation, design, upgrading, globalization ∗ For communications please refer to Marco Bettiol, 1. Introduction The Italian economy is finding it increasingly difficult to keep pace w


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