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          BULLET IN OF BOTA NICA L RESEARCH 19  3 1999  7 Vol.19  No.3 July,  1999 1 1 1 2 陈雅君  吴秀菊  关政华  杨永富 (,  150030) (2., 165023)   取北五味子带腋芽的嫩茎作外植体, 培养于附加不同种类和浓度激素的 MS 培养基上。 附国加6-BA2.0+ZT0.1m /L 时, 诱导芽的效果最佳; 附加6- BA2.0+NAA0.2+ZT0.1m /L 时, 芽的增殖率最好; 附加NAA0.2 m /L 时, 生根效 果最佳。当苗高2.0 ~2.5cm, 根数达3 ~5 条时, 开瓶锻炼2 天, 移栽于消过毒的土 壤中, 10 天后, 成活率达100%。  北五味子;外植体;组织培养。 THE TISSUE CULTURE OF DRUG PLANT—CHINESE MAGNOLIAVINE 1 1 1 2 Chen Ya-jun  Wu Xiu-ju  Guan Zhen -hua  Yan Yon -fu (1.Northeast A ricultural University, Harbin 150030) (2.Xinlin Forestry Bureau, Heilon jian Province 165023) Abstract The explants of Chinese ma noliavine tender stems w ith axillary buds are cultured in MS medium w ith addition of different concentration and kinds of hormone. The results show that sproutin of axillary bud is best on MS medium w ith addition of 6-BA2.0+ZT0.1m /L;and the multiplication of adventitious bud is best on M S medi- um w ith the addition of 6-BA2.0+NAA0.2 +ZT0.1 m /L;and the row th of roots is best on MS medium with addition of NAA0.2m /L.Seedlin s w ith rowin to 2.0 ~ 2.5cm and 3 ~5 roots are transplanted to the pots w ith disinfect soil after 2 days train- in .10 days later, the survival rate reaches 100%. Key words Explant;Chinese ma noliavine;Tissue culture (S ch isandr a ch inensis (Turcz.)Baill) , , 、, 、, :1997-3-10 3             : 319 , 。, , 。


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