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·专 栏 · ·中药与天然药 · 虎杖中白藜芦醇罐组式动态逆流提取工艺研究 熊清平,张强华,石莹莹(淮阴工学院生化学院,江苏省凹土资源利用重点实验室,江苏 淮安 223003) 摘要:目的 探索降低碱法提取虎杖中白藜芦醇溶媒和碱消耗的措施以及罐组式动态逆流技术(MCE)提取的最佳中试工 艺条件。方法 应用 MCE 对虎杖中的白藜芦醇进行提取,采用正交试验法,对影响白藜芦醇中试提取的 3 个主要因素: CaO 与料比例、浸提单元组数以及料液比进行极差分析和方差分析,并将筛选工艺与目前常规的单罐浸提工艺进行对比 分析。结果 CaO 与料比例对实验结果存在显著影响,MCE 工艺优于单罐提取工艺。结论 虎杖中白藜芦醇 MCE 提取 的最佳中试工艺条件:CaO 与料比例为 6 ∶100,浸提单元组数为 4 个单元,料液比为 1 ∶5 ,其相比于单罐浸提工艺更适 合于工业化生产。 关键词:虎杖;白藜芦醇;罐组式动态逆流提取技术;中试试验;提取工艺 中图分类号:R284.2 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-7693(2010)10-0901-05 Study on Pilot Tests in Multi-Stage Countercurrent Extraction of Resveratrol from Polygonum Cuspidatum XIONG Qingping, ZHANG Qianghua, SHI Yingying(Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Key Laboratory for Attapulgite and Applied Technology of Jiangsu Province, Huai’an 223003, China) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To explore the optimal process conditions of pilot tests in multi-stage countercurrent extraction of resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum, and the measure of reducing solvent and alkali dosage. METHODS Multi-stage countercurrent extraction of resveratrol was studied. The extraction technology was discussed with the effects of the ratio of the CaO to the raw material, extraction team and the ratio of solid material to the extraction solvent. The four factors were selected in the orthogonal design, and the optimal extraction were processed by range analytic method and analysis of variance. Then compared this method with other unaided extraction process. RESULTS The ratio of the CaO to the raw material influenced the result significantly, the multi-stage countercurrent extraction is better than the unaided extraction process. CONCLUSION The optimal process conditions of pilot tests in multi-stage countercurrent extraction of resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum are as follows: the ratio of CaO to the solid material is 6 ∶1


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