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* * 历史分析法 * * Historical-Comparative (H-C) Research To explain major societal processes (解釋主要的社會變遷過程) Founders of Sociology used H-C approach, including Durkheim, Marx, Weber. Combines a sensitivity to specific historical or cultural contexts with theoretical generalization (結合理論概化與對特殊歷史與文化脈絡的敏感) May use quantitative data to supplement qualitative data and analysis * Research Questions Appropriate for H-C Research Powerful method in addressing big questions (適合回答大問題) Examine the combinations of social factors producing a specific outcome (檢視一些社會因素如何造成特殊的結果) Compare social systems across societies(比較不同社會體系) Study long-tem societal changes (研究長期的社會變遷) Strengthen conceptualization and theory building (加強概念化及理論建構) * Steps in a H-C Research Project Conceptualizing the object of inquiry become familiar with the setting or era Locating evidence Need extensive bibliographic work Evaluating quality of evidence Relevance and accuracy strength of the evidence (相關性及正確性) Organizing evidence (資料與理論的互動) Synthesizing (綜合證據: 將特定證據與抽象的因果解釋結合) Refining concepts and moving toward a general explanatory model, organizing and giving new meaning to evidence Writing a report (報告撰寫是重要關鍵) * Data and Evidence in Historical Context (歷史脈絡中的資料與證據) Types of historical evidence Primary sources (原始、初級資料): letters, diaries, newspapers, etc of those who lived in the past Secondary sources (次級、二手資料): the writings of specialist historians Running records (持續進行的記錄): files of existing statistical documents maintained by organizations Recollections: statements or writings of individuals about their past lives or experiences based on memory (過去生活經驗記憶的記錄,例如: 口述歷史) * (斯考切波,2007,《国家与社会革命—对法国,俄国和中国的比较分析》,上海:上海人民出版社) 赵鼎新 东周战争与儒法国家的诞生 研究问题: 中华文明在长达两千年的帝制时代具有以下七个政治特征,为什么中华文明的历史和其他文明,特别是西方文明有诸多的不同?这七个特征为: 帝国政体延续两千年,从公元前221年秦国建立到1911年辛亥革命爆发 科层制政府的形成远早于欧洲 强国家传统 军队由文官控制,武将一般没有干涉政事的能力 帝制中国的开疆拓土特别是北方的扩张,是北方游牧民族入主中土后自身汉化的结果 超验宗教未曾对政治发生重大影响 商人阶级在帝制中国的政治舞台上不具有重要的政治地位 * 赵鼎新 东周战争与儒法国家的诞生 * 春秋时期 * 战国时期


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