caesar ⅱ软件在主蒸汽管道设计中的应用 application of caesar ii software in the design of main steam pipeline.pdfVIP
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caesar ⅱ软件在主蒸汽管道设计中的应用 application of caesar ii software in the design of main steam pipeline
冶 金 动 力 年第 期
2016 5
CAESAR Ⅱ软件在主蒸汽管道设计中的应用
(安徽马钢工程技术集团,安徽马鞍山 243000)
【摘 要】以富伦 高炉改造工程制氧机系统主蒸汽管道为例 使用3# , CAESAR域应力分析软件对其静态
适的弹簧支架 进一步优化管道设计。,
【关键词】静态载荷主蒸汽管道应力分析; ;
【中图分类号】 【文献标识码】 【文章编号】 ( )
TK284.1 B 1006-6764 2016 05-0032-03
Application of CAESAR 域Software in the Design of Main Steam Pipeline
Li Jinchun
(Anhui Masteel Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., Maanshan, Anhui 243000, China)
[Abstract] CAESAR 域stress analysis software was used to calculate the static loads on
the main steam pipe of the oxygen generating system at Fulun Steel. Through analysis of the
calculation result of the push force and torque at the entrance of the steam turbine, it was
proposed to increase the length of compensator pipe and set up spring supports and limiting
supports to make the push force and torque satisfying factory requirement. Suitable spring
supports were selected based on analysis result to further optimize pipe design.
[Keywords] static load; main steam pipe; stress analysis
1 引言 2.1 应力的基本类型
近年来随着我国国民经济的快速增长钢铁、电, , 应力的类型主要有:轴向应力,弯曲应力,周向
力行业发展迅猛。各行业中汽水管道大量敷设 管, 应力,剪应力。CAESAR II在对高温高压管道应力
道系统的设计也越发复杂 使得汽水管道的静态分, 计算中,主要采用国际上通用的B31.1电力管道标
析及动态分析工作也越来越受到重视 这一点尤其, 准,先计算出上述几种应力,再将相关结果与规范中
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