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第 11卷  第5 期 环 境 工 程 学 报 Vol. 11,No.5 2 0 1 7 年 5 月 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering May 2 0 1 7 河岸带土壤对不同pH 雨水中截留磷的影响 ∗ 刘超,毕春娟 ,陈振楼,诸葛祥真 华东师范大学地理科学学院,地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海 200241 摘  要  通过河岸带土柱淋滤模拟实验,研究了不同pH值模拟雨水条件下河岸带土壤对雨水中磷的截留效应,分析了pH 对河岸带土壤吸附磷素的影响机制。 结果表明:在不同pH 的模拟雨水处理下,河岸带土壤对TDP 和MRP 的吸附具有显著 的差异;且在 pH =5 条件下河岸带土壤对磷素的吸附量最低。 河岸带土壤对雨水中磷的去除率随着降雨时间的进行而不 断下降,pH =5 时,河岸带对磷的去除率最低,截留能力最弱。 不同pH 值的模拟雨水对土柱中TP 的含量产生显著影响, pH =5 时,土柱中TP含量最高,pH =3 时,TP含量最低。 土柱中的TP在表层 10 cm 含量最高,随深度的增加而不断降低。 研究河岸带土壤对不同pH雨水中磷的截留效应对于理解磷在河岸带土壤中的迁移转化机理以及防治水体富营养化具有 十分重要的意义。 关键词  河岸带;磷;pH;截留 中图分类号  X53   文献标识码  A   文章编号  1673-9108(2017)05-3233-06   DOI  10.12030/ j.cjee.201512194 Effect of retention of phosphorus in riparian zone soil on different pH rainwater ∗ LIU Chao,BI Chunjuan ,CHEN Zhenlou,ZHUGE Xiangzhen Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science of Ministry of Education,College of Geographical Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China Abstract  A phosphorus leaching experiment was performed to study interception of phosphorus in the riparian zone. The removal rate of phosphorus by the soil of the riparian zone is discussed. Results showed that the pH of the simulated rainwater,which acted as leach-water,significantly affected the absorbed phosphorus in the riparian zone soil column. Riparian zone soil column absorbed the minimum TDP and MRP when the rainwater had a pH of 5. The removal rate of the soil of the riparian zone decreased as time went by. The riparian zone had the low- est interception capacity for phosphorus when the rainwater had a pH of 5. The pH significantly influenced the concentration of TP in the soil columns. The concentration of TP wasthe highest when the pH was5 and the low- est when the pH was 3. Phosphorus had a high concentration in the first 10 cm of soil from the surface.


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