谁动了我的奶酪-(Who Moved My Cheese-).doc

谁动了我的奶酪-(Who Moved My Cheese-).doc

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谁动了我的奶酪-(Who Moved My Cheese-)

谁动了我的奶酪?(Who Moved My Cheese?)   an aazing a t deal ith hange in ur r in ur life   dr spener hnsn   heese – a etaphr fr hat e ant t have in life, hether it is a b, a relatinship, ne, a big huse, freed, health, regnitin, spiritual peae, r even an ativit lie gging r glf   eah f us has ur n idea f hat heese is, and e pursue it beause e believe it aes us happ if e get it, e ften bee attahed t it and if e lse it, r its taen aa, it an be trauati   ne, lng ag, there lived 4 little haraters h ran thrugh a aze ling fr heese t nurish the ae the happ   t ere ie naed sniff surr and t ere little peple naed he ha   ever rning, the ie the little peple dressed in their running gear headed ver t heese statin here the fund their n ind f heese it as a large stre f heese that he ha eventuall ved their hes t be lser t it built a sial life arund it   t ae theselves feel re at he, he ha derated the alls ith saings ne read: having heese aes u happ   having heese aes u happ   ne rning, sniff surr arrived at heese statin disvered there as n heese   the erent surprised sine the had ntied the suppl f heese had been getting saller ever da, the ere prepared fr the inevitable ne instintivel hat t d the ere quil ff in searh f ne heese   later that sae da, he ha arrived hat! n heese? h ved heese? its nt fair!, he elled the ent he that night hungr disuraged but befre the left, ha rte n the all:   the re iprtant ur heese is t u, the re u ant t hld nt it   the next da he ha left their hes, returned t heese statin but situatin hadnt hanged ha ased, here are sniff surr? d u thin the n sething e dnt? he sffed, hat uld the n? there ust siple ie the ust respnd t hat happens ere little peple ere sarter   ha suggested, abe e shuld stp analzing the situatin s uh and ust get ging find se ne heese   ha deided t leave heese statin hile he as re frtable staing in the heeseless statin ha annuned, its aze tie! and rte:   if u d nt hange,   u an bee extint   h ved heese?   eanhile, sniff su


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