谁是学生的偶像(Who is the students of idol).doc

谁是学生的偶像(Who is the students of idol).doc

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谁是学生的偶像(Who is the students of idol)

谁是学生的偶像(Who is the students of idol)   in the surve, hih sapled 10 students fr different grades and departents, 96 hse suessful entrepreneurs as their idls, 91 added sientists and shlars t the list, hile nl se 7 pted fr stars f stage and sreen   the results tppled the ld pereptin that ung llege students are st ipressed b the stars f shs   fudan’s students seeed nt t be influened t uh b ppular tv shs and ne stars, despite the latest supergirl, shang enie having graduated fr the universit last earit’s nral fr students t have traditinal ideas abut the qualities an idl shuld have the thin f idls as peple h have ade a great ntributin t siet these inds f ideas aren’t easil hanged b tv shs, said zhen zhiei, a send-ear pst-graduate student h nduted the survebut students d have ne standards fr seleting idls se students vted fr rdinar peple and even fitinal haraters, suh as harr ptter   it reveals the diversit f students’ standards, zhen said under the influene f pp ulture, se students n vie fitinal figures as their idls the see the sae qualities in thse fitinal figures as in ther real peplee are als delighted t see that re and re students are nerned ith the rles rdinar peple pla in siet ealth, sial status and fae are nt the nl standards the use t selet idlsthe surve als revealed that 7% llege students d nt ant t be idls fr thers   the result an be regarded as a gd illustratin fr h st f the hse suessful entrepreneurs and shlars as their idls, said zhen the have high expetatins fr idls, s the believe that t be an idl eans having t tae n re respnsibilities and pressure than ther peple, and the are nt read t tae s uh respnsibilit et   shang enie, the lastest supergirl   复旦大学所做的一项最新调查显示,如今大学生最崇拜的偶像已不再是娱乐明星,而是成功企业家。   来自复旦大学不同年级、不同专业的10名学生参加了此项调查。调查显示,共96名学生将成功企业家视为偶像,91名学生选择科学家和学者为偶像,而只有约7名学生视娱乐明星为偶像。   这项调查的结果说明,娱乐明星已不再是青年学生最为崇拜的偶像。   虽然复旦大学去年的毕业生尚雯婕夺得今年超女决赛的总冠军,但复旦大学的学生对选秀节目和新人气偶像的热情并不是很高。   负责此项调查的研二学生甄志伟说:大学生抱有传统偶像观很正常,他们认为’偶像’应该是那些为社会做出突出贡献的人。这种偶像观不会因选秀节目的风靡而轻易改变。   但是,如今的大学


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