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题 目 直三通管注塑模具设计 姓 名 万 景 学 号 201146119 所在学院 机械工程学院 专业班级 材料成型及控制工程四班 指导教师 张占领 日 期 2014 年 12 月 日 摘 要 模具是利用其特定形状去成型具有一定的形状和尺寸制品的工具。在各种材料加工工业中广泛的使用着各种模具。三通管作为一种连接件在日常生活中应用广泛,本文对塑料模具的设计方法及过程进行了阐述。通过本文可以对注塑模具有一个初步的认识,注意到设计中的某些细节问题,了解模具结构及工作原理。本设计为三通管的注射模设计,使用UG进行三维造型并根据三维造型生成二维图最后对个别零件进行加工工艺分析 proe、CAD 软件设计成形零件以及非标准零件,从而进行全方面的参数化设计,即对模具进行分模、生产元件、装配、试模、开模设计。 ABSTRACT Mold is using its specific shape to forming has certain shapes and sizes of products of the tools. In all kinds of materials processing industry to the extensive use of the various mold. The Three Links Pipeline as a kind of attachment is widely used in daily life. in this paper the design method of the three joint mould and the process is discussed in this paper. Through this paper, can have a preliminary to injection mold of understanding, pay attention to the details of the design, knowledge of the mould structure and work principle. This design for tee the design of injection mould, using UG for 3 d modeling, and according to the three-dimensional modeling generation 2 d figure, and finally to individual parts processing technology analysis. In design, some parts of plastics mould have been designed, such as: injecting system, temperature-control system, director, joint face, pushing off system, mould unloading system, air evacuation groove. And material function of the plastic piece has been analyzed. According to the plastic parts of the product quantity, and structural requirements, the use of a mold of a mold four cavity. The use of PROE, CAD software design forming parts and non-standard parts, thus all the parametric design, namely of the mold parting, production element, assembly, test mold, mold design. Keywor


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