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学校代码:10484 学 号:[010809121735] 河南财经政法大学 Henan University Of Economics amp; Law 自学考试(市场营销专业)本科生论文 论文题目:可口可乐产品广告策略研究 专业名称:市场营销 工作单位:河南商业高等专科学校 作者姓名:刘巧珂 联系方式:邮编:450044;通讯地址:郑州市惠济区英才街二号;联系电话:138834551197] 可口可乐产品广告策略研究 摘 要 从市场营销的角度来看,广告是市场营销活动中的重要环节,是企业进行市场推广活动的重要手段之一。广告主要起到宣传推广的促销作用,这是不言而喻的,企业通过广告传播商品信息,提高商品知名度,强化商品的个性形象,可以有效的刺激消费者的购买欲望,从而增加销售量,加快商品的流通速度,提高商品的商场占有率,借助销售额的提升实现市场利润。这也是企业进行广告投放的重要原因。可口可公司作为世界级的饮料品牌,在广告方面别出心裁,使其在世界的舞台上独领风骚。特别是在中国的本土化广告策略,使其打开了中国的市场大门,又使可口可乐更上一层楼。本文搜集关于可口可乐的广告策略,对可口可乐公司的广告策略简单地分析、总结,包括可口可乐饮料的大众化广告策略和针对中国市场的本土化策略,和其他产品的广告策略进行对比分析,更加突出可口可乐广告的独特之处。 关键词:可口可乐广告 本土化策略 心理诉求 Coca cola products advertising strategy study ABSTRACT From marketing point of view, marketing and advertising is an important link is business, marketing is an important tool. the main up publicity and promotional sale promotion, it is self-evident, companies by advertising goods and improve the dissemination of information on commodities and strengthening of markets, goods can be effective they desire to increase sales, to promote the circulation of commodities and increase the market share, Sales promotion by the market profits. this is an important reason for advertising efforts. but as a delicious drink, advertising, in respect of the world stage with overall impacts. in particular, china#039;s homegrown of advertising strategies, which opened the gate of the chinese market and coca-cola achievements. To collect the article about the advertising strategies, the coca-cola company#039;s advertising strategy is simple analysis and summary of coca cola drinks, including the common advertisements in chinese market strategy and tactics, the indigenous and other product advertising strategy for comparison, more prominent advertisement of the unique. KEYWORDS: advertising strategies, the mental demands indigenous, 目 录 11 可口可乐公司广告简介 11.1 可口可乐的本粱愀娌呗? 11.1.1 可口可乐最初在中国的广告 21.1.2 本土化策略的体现 31.2 可口可乐利用3A策略创造广告品牌 42 可口可乐的消费者“心中首选” 42.1 “心中首选”建立在大量的调查研究之上的 53 可口可乐


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