analysis of the network model analysis of library services(分析图书馆服务的网络模型分析).doc

analysis of the network model analysis of library services(分析图书馆服务的网络模型分析).doc

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analysis of the network model analysis of library services(分析图书馆服务的网络模型分析)

Analysis of the network model analysis of Library Services Paper Keywords: library service model network environment Abstract: Information technology changes the way people work and live, the network environment, this paper analyzes the characteristics of library information services, provides updated service concept, improve the quality of librarians, deepen the construction of information resources, providing readers with personalized service service model. As information technology and network technology, the library in the midst of the global network environment, the individual is no longer an isolated network environment, the information needs of a wide range of readers, the library includes both the traditional paper-based collections literature, also includes on-line information resources. information technology and network technology to break the pattern of library services, library services model for his proposed new challenges. A traditional library service model Traditional library collections in the main paper as the carrier of literature information, is to collect, organize, store, transfer document information society cultural institutions. Library officials use the museum collections, to provide services for the reader the traditional library service model has the following characteristics (1): 1.1 Passive Service Traditional library services to library-centered, passive and other readers to come mainly of services include: museum readers to read, borrow books, documents copying and reference services, etc. As a result of the mechanism, the quality of personnel and equipment limitations, service work has many limitations, but also inhibited the enthusiasm of the staff and the spirit of active service. 1.2 Low level of documentation services Traditional library to collect, organize, preserve and transmit the information-based literature, services are mainly provided to the reader to borrow the original literature of libra



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