analysis of the status and prospects of college ideological and political theory course teaching mode(现状和前景的分析高校思想政治理论课程教学模式).doc

analysis of the status and prospects of college ideological and political theory course teaching mode(现状和前景的分析高校思想政治理论课程教学模式).doc

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analysis of the status and prospects of college ideological and political theory course teaching mode(现状和前景的分析高校思想政治理论课程教学模式)

Analysis of the Status and Prospects of college ideological and political theory course teaching mode Papers to write network: Abstracts: colleges and universities in the ideological and political theory courses in the teaching process has long been the traditional classroom teaching mode. Recent years, with the deepening of the reform of education, the teaching mode is also gradually innovation, there effective teaching mode. “experiential teaching it is the traditional mode of teaching a new exploration and practice, it is in line with the characteristics of the ideological and political theory courses, practical Ideological and Political Education Teaching Mode the fundamental direction of innovation and reform, and the inevitable choice. Paper Keywords: teaching mode, the ideological and political theory teaching evaluation A teaching mode connotation Teaching mode in order to achieve the specific goal of teaching, under the guidance of the teaching ideas or teaching theory, based on the teaching of objective and subjective conditions, the elements of the process of teaching and activities logical combination to form a stable program of activities and methods The strategy system. internal structure of the teaching model consists of five parts: teaching the ideological or teaching theory, teaching objectives, teaching conditions, teaching strategies, and teaching evaluation. between five parts (elements are not mutually isolated, but close contact, mutual support, teaching mode is regular contact by these five parts consisting of dynamic organic system. Teaching ideas or teaching theory The theory is the precursor of action, teaching thinking or teaching theoretical teaching model constitutes the ideological foundation and starting point, under the guidance of some teaching theory teaching behavior norms, and the entire teaching activities, teaching ideology or philosophy from the dominant and takes lead role in teaching mode it determines th



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