2011年幸福女人的生活准则(In 2011 a woman rule of life).doc

2011年幸福女人的生活准则(In 2011 a woman rule of life).doc

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2011年幸福女人的生活准则(In 2011 a woman rule of life)

2011年幸福女人的生活准则(In 2011 a woman rule of life) In 2011 a woman rule of life In 2011 a new beginning, want to be a happy woman, from the following ten life began to remember. 1, with high heritability of happiness We are willing to believe, as long as you work hard, every mood, every personality trait can be improved, but also support the optimistic sense of happiness and other positive emotions, only in this way, a relatively weak talent has his confidence. 40 years ago, Seligman entered the field of psychology when the study began, people can change the thought has been shrouded in psychology. But in 1980s, a twin study of personality of children and adopted children began to appear, the above statement may no longer suffer a big stage a comeback. Psychological characteristics of identical twins than dizygotic twins like, adopted childrens personality more like biological parents than parents, such studies have been more than one hundred, and both show the same conclusion: about 50% personality traits are genetically determined. But the high heritability does not mean that can not be changed, some genetic traits (e.g., sexual orientation and weight) is not changed, while other genetic traits, such as pessimism, fear, it is can be changed. 2, happiness treadmill Many people have had this experience, job increases, expectations are getting higher and higher, past efforts to bring fame and wealth will not bring happiness. Professor Martin Seligman said, this is the happiness treadmill at work, if happiness is equal to wealth and fame, we must have more, or do not feel happy. Without this treadmill lucky people should be much happier than the average person. Professor Martin Seligman, the results demonstrated that the common people are happier than those high officials and noble lords. The study found that high achievement of luck and happiness can not give people a long time, only a short-term effect. 3, money cant buy happiness In fact, we think of money more influence



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