6年重复的题(6 years of repetition).doc

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6年重复的题(6 years of repetition)

6年重复的题(6 years of repetition) 6 years after the 18 questions / 5 / 4 25 / 3 48 years 36 years 2 years 50 questions / problems Six years About 1. of neonatal scleredema, wrong is occurred in the summer. 2. with atrophy of the description is correct: the atrophy of the parachymal cells to reduce the number or volume reduction. 3. is the upper uterine isthmus for anatomy in the mouth of the lower end of histology in mouth. 4. after the operation the position of which of the following is wrong: the arm after the operation to be semi supine. About 5. of pneumonia with shock therapy, which of the following is not true: using glucocorticoid. 6. needs of infant vitamin D daily for: 400~800IU. 7. early pregnancy: the most common clinical manifestations of menopause. The main signs of 8. primary liver cancer is the most common liver: irregular enlargement. 9. the nervous system to achieve its basic functions are: regulation of conditioned reflex and reflex. 10. on the DNA two level structure (double helix) is correct: two reverse polynucleotide chain. 11. right ventricular dysfunction signs include: apical diastolic gallop. The 12. generation is due to the side effects of the drug: selective drugs low. 13. hepatic coma patients prodromal stage (stage I) the earliest clinical manifestation is: personality change. About 14. of children with intravenous potassium concentration, which is correct: 0.1% 0.3%. 15. diffuse intravascular coagulation, which of the following is not correct: laboratory examination of normal platelet counts. 16. the treatment of hemothorax which of the following is wrong: euplastic hemothorax in general should be 3 months after injury after surgical treatment. One of the 17. elements constitute a medical accident is negligence. The following 18. common disease which is not tubuloproteinuria: glomerulonephritis. five years 19. postpartum heart burden is the heaviest period: 72 hours postpartum. 20. of the standard deviation, which of the following is true:



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